Hi, my name is Priscilla Joy. Whenever I tell people that my middle name is Joy, they don't believe me. I am a vegan, but I haven't always been a vegan. I was actually a carnivore until I was 15 years old, when I stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian. And I was a vegetarian for a year before I decided to stop eating milk and cheese and yogurt and eggs. 
 I love being a vegan. I have always been a girl who molded into new things often. I was known in middle school for dying my hair. I started dying my hair in 2nd grade, I was 8 years old.  My mom would dye her hair every month and I would always bug her about dying my own. So one day, while she was picking up some dye from the supermarket, she bought me a semi-permanent dye in a blonde color. I remember being very disappointed that my hair did not come out like the very blonde color on the box. I continued dying my hair with semi-permanent dyes for a few years until my mom let me dye my hair with permanent colors. I think the first time was 6th grade and I did pink. I bleached my hair and everything. It was hilarious looking, but I was so excited and felt really cool.Anyways, I became vegetarian when I was in freshman year of high school because my friend was doing it. My best friend told me how her uncle was vegan and I thought it was very cool. I decided I wanted to do it too. I was already fulfilling my new years resolution of being healthier that year (2013) and figured this would be a great next step.
A year later, I was testing out the waters of being a vegan. I officially became vegan in May and a few months later on my birthday, I ate some cake and unofficially became vegetarian again. From then on, I was a 'transitioning vegan' until November (Thanksgiving, 2014) that I became an official vegan again.

I loved being a vegan. I felt way better about everything I ate. I loved and still love the feeling of eating something that doesn't hurt anyone and is environmentally friendly.


If you want to feel like this: alive, vibrant, creative, etc........ lease go vegan. For the planet, for the animals, for the people, FOR YOURSELF.

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